
Service to society


Janakalyan is an old age home at Panvel run by a Tamilian Mr. Raman. There are around 60-70 inmates in the age group of 70 + and around 100 odd children . The organization is run wholly on the basis of donations received from well wishers. The home is now managed by Mrs. Raman after the untimely passing away of her husband.

The Sangam has been visiting this Old age home located near Panvel since last EIGHT years and have been supporting the inmates by supplying new clothings (sarees, dhotis, towels), bedsheets, and food grains like rice, wheat, dal, oil sugar etc.

Maher – Maher is an orgnisation

In the year 2016, we visited ‘Maher’- an Orphange at Wadgaonsheri (one out 29 units) where 100 orphan children are staying. Magic show was organized for the children and a cupboard, book shelf was donated. Lunch was organized wherein the managing committee members and other members too joined the children. Material received in kind like bedsheets, used clothes, books, note books, groceries were handed over the orphanage.

"Maher" (in the Marathi language) means "Mother's Home": a haven of hope, belonging and understanding. Their mission is to help destitute women, children and men from all over India exercise their right to a higher quality of life, irrespective of gender, caste, creed or religion.


An amount of Rs.50,000/- was donated to SOFOSH an orphanage run by Sassoon Hospital.

‘Shreevatsa’ – A special child care centre run by SOFOSH was established in the year 1973. Since its inception, it has been catering to the needs of the abandoned, orphaned little ones from our society. Babies relinquished by their single birth mothers are also offered shelter under this roof. Thus Shreevatsa offers a loving home and hope to family deprived children from the age of new born to 6 years.

Children here are well looked after and provided with healthy and nutritious food along with additional supplements whenever required to combat malnutrition. The medical need of each and every child is also the responsibility of the institution and this is shouldered by our able team of doctors and nurses. Therapy also forms an integral part of child care and thus we also impart speech therapy, massage therapy, play therapy etc. to the children as and when required.

A long term rehabilitation program for each child is worked out according to their individual needs. Most of these children are rehabilitated by placing them into adoption. The main aim of SOFOSH has always been to find a home for these children as institutional care cannot substitute family care.

Thus today SOFOSH is one of the pioneering adoption agencies in Pune.

Financial support were given to Prasanna Autism Centre and Manavya Foundation.

Chennai flood

In December 2015, Sangam collected needy material and transported the same for CHENNAI FLOOD RELIEF and spent Rs.1,25,000/- for transportation and material. SANGAM MEMBERS gave in kind and cash for this.

Educational support

The Sangam has been giving financial support for education to the needy and poor children by paying their yearly fees. This is being done since last 12 years. It has given support to deserving poor children at S V S high School/Primary School, Khadki, Pune, managed by “The Tamilian Association, Khadki. On 5th September 2019 - Teacher’s day, the Association, in appreciation of our service to society gave us this plaque.

We have been regularly aiding children of this school as well as awarding students who excel academically .

Apart from this we have supported individual students who have approached us too. One of them a girl student studied with our support and graduated to become a MBA and is now working. Students from S V Union High School Rasta Peth are also beneficiaries.

Those who are interested to be a donor for one child or more, please mail us at


Eminent speakers who visited and Delivered Speech

  • Salaman papaya

  • S v sekar

  • Delhi ganesh

  • Suki sivam

  • Dr.sivarakrishnan

  • Dr. Gnanasundaram

  • Mohanasundaram

Cultural Activities so far……………

Drama By











Apart from above sangam staged three dramas by in-house talents direct by its Senior Member Mr.V.S. Nagarajan.

Many More to follow in the year ahead.

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