
Pune City Tamil Sangam is a non-religious and non-political organization, started way back in 2002 and registered under the Societies Act.

The Objects of the Sangam are

  • To create the sports liking in youngsters and provide them with sports material;

  • To make the programmes for Education, National & Social organisations;

  • To make aware the public abut “Aids” through various programmes;

  • National integration through various programmes;

  • To organise ladies & youth for making ideal citizens;

  • To implement camps, meetings, debates, gathering exhibition, etc. for the betterment of the society;

  • To implement developmental & rehabilitation programmes for the blind, the handicapped, the mentally retarded and the deaf and dumb;

  • To run hermitage & hostels for socially feeble elements;

  • To promote national integration;

  • To provide coaching and guidance to needy and poor students who have been identified so by the members of the Sangam;

  • To impart knowledge in Tamil language for furtherance of Tamil language & Tamil Culture;

  • To function as a non-religious and non-political organisation

  • To promote cultural and social activities among the South Indian community in Pune

  • To extend help in the event of accidents, hospitalisation, death, marriage ceremonies etc. to the members of the South Indian community.

  • To start a Library for furtherance of Tamil Language

  • To Identify and promote artistic, histrionic, literary and other talents.

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