

It was a typical Pune monsoon weather, a drizzle now and then and the sun playing hide and seek with the clouds. A perfect weather one can ask for a picnic.

The picnickers landed at the resort in 3 tempo travelers at 8 am. And some more came by their own cars. We were 55 persons in all including children and senior citizens. We started the day with breakfast; poha, missal pav, idly chutney and sambar, bread, butter and jam. Coffee and tea were there.

After breakfast the members went around exploring the resort; some forming their groups chatting, others went to Indore games area, some others unwinding in the lawns. Soon K R Rajesh set up the group games at the lawns and all the members congregated there. After several rounds all of us gatherd in a hall and self introduced themselves to the group. A few went for a swim. By that time we finished it was lunch time. The lunch was good spread. phulkas, varn, rice, bharli wangi , pannier masala, pokodas, papad, onion salad, papad, raitha, puran poli, and jelabis.

After lunch again we assembled at the hall and K R Rajesh and Bharathwaji conducted a game of Tambola. Since it was time for rain dance some went to partake while others were having freewheeling time. At quarter to four we went for tea and snacks. After the tea break it was time to say bye and we left for home with pleasant memories.

Album on PICNIC AT SORINA HILL SIDE RESORT-6TH August 2023. Place the cursor or mouse pointer for the sustained view of the respective photo.

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