

On 3rd September 2023 we staged a drama at Nehru Memorial Hall, Ambedkar Road. The drama was directed by veteran drama actor, director, script writer and a member of Sri Shanmugananda Fine Arts and cultural association, Sion, Mumbai.

The story is based on a lady fighting cancer and a divorce by her husband who is involved with a lady at the dental clinic. Now, how this lady wins the dual battle in life and, lives a respectable life is the theme of the play..

The subject is contemporary and the end is out of the normal. The actors played their roles true to their ability and captivated the audience. The intermingled humour sent the audience into the peal of laughter. No wonder this drama bagged the best drama prize in a drama competition held in Mumbai..

Album on DRAMA CHECKMATE-3rd September 2023. Place the cursor or mouse pointer for the sustained view of the respective photo.

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